Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Through Stained Glass: Advent Word a Day-Authority

“That’s why the Bible is not a book about going to heaven. The action is here.
The life is here. The point is here. It’s a library of books
about the healing and restoring and reconciling
and renewing of this world. Our home.” Rob Bell

The Bible.

It has authority for me.

But probably not how you think.

It is a book that I take seriously. It is a book my denomination does, too. Which is why we learn the original languages (as best we can in 3 years) and ask questions of the text, while beginning with the questions it asks of us, never to be satisfied with lifeway answers. I love that it is a library of books written by humans at a particular time, place, and culture. It is a book rooted in context, which invites a deeper, more intentional reading. What does it for me is the humanness of it all. How God is with humanity—in and through it all.

It has authority because the more I read it the more I see a God who moves us towards freedom—which comes through inclusion by way of the embracing of our diversity. The deeper I go into the world(s) of Scripture, the deeper I find myself in relationship with the Triune God.

It is a guide.

It renews me.

It guides me.

The Bible.

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