Friday, July 24, 2015

Through Stained Glass: A Mid-Week Reflection-celestielle

Old churches fascinate me.

More than that, they comfort me.

There are times in life when I know not the words to pray.

Nothing seems adequate. 

Even the 3 basic prayers, Help, Thanks, Wow, can at times not be enough.

I know they are. I know I am. I know prayer is as much listening to and for God as it is 'speaking' to and with God.   

All that added unnecessary pressure can make prayer more problematic than in needs to.

That's where the old churches come in.

Le Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris, for example.

This is where I spent my morning. Everything about this cathedral I loved. From the stained glass windows to the beautiful art depicting the story of faith throughout. More than anything, I enjoy places like Notre Dame because it reminds me that faith is an action.

Faith is not only something we have but it is something we do.

Most days we are better at faith-ing than other days.

Often, we have enough to move mountains, or enough to simply get out of bed.

That is the beautiful thing about being God's people. Collectively, we as a community have enough of everything to get us through each day. Or to paraphrase Paul, "When I am weak you are strong. And when you are weak, I am strong."

Standing at the entry way of this century old cathedral reminded me that my faith isn't actually mine at all. Rather, I stand on the shoulders of those who faith-ed before me. We as God's people are a part of the communion of saints, the great cloud of witnesses; we are a people who says, "While things may look bleak now, we have faith that God has, is, and will do something beautiful and good."

When I sit and reflect before the crucifix or the 3 beautiful stained glass windows at church, I remind myself that prayer, that worship, is not my way to influence God or get on God's good side. God's love isn't transactional. 

Prayer is making space for God to make God's way into those places where we say "no" or "can't."

Old churches are my favorite.

They help me in my faith. If not by providing a place for me to encounter the living Triune God. Then definitely by showing me that at some point in time, a LONG time ago, people had faith that God would show up and meet them there.

I have 13 more days here in Paris. Know that I miss and love you all. Today, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, I prayed for my favorite people of my favorite community.

That's you!

Happy weekend to you.

Bonne suoirée


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Through Stained Glass: A Mid-Week Reflection-speak


Sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words.

Pablo Picasso said this about pictures, “Every now and then one paints a picture that seems to have opened a door and serves as a stepping stone to other things.” 

The same can be said about photographs.

Like this one: 

So much is communicated in this photo.

What do you see?

What do you feel?

This image has become the image of the church for me. This is what we are to be about. This is how we are to live and be in the world. This is our mission.

While there are some of us complaining about making cakes and others about what is or isn’t love, this is happening.

A visible display of God’s love, Christ’s trust, and the Spirit’s presence captured in a simple moment between 2 people.


And I want you to know this:

                  Yes you.
                                             Stop what you’re doing for a moment.
                  Be still.
                                             You are loved like this.
                                             Child of God, you are enough.

Christ waits for you with arms open and with a tenderness to calm your fears.

You belong.
You are loved.
You are wanted.
You are not alone.

God loves you, exactly as you are.

Look again at the photo.

If you are hurting, let us hold you.
If you are not feeling well, let us heal you.
If you are down, lets us help you up.
If you are lost, let us walk you home.

You are not alone.

