Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Through Stained Glass: Advent--Beginning

Where do I begin?

A question I ask myself often when facing a writing deadline or when I have a project waiting for me.

The answer is usually the same:  you start at the beginning.

This makes me think of a story Anne Lamott tells in her book Bird by Bird. The paraphrased version is this:  her brother had a project where he was supposed to identify birds. He waited too long and on the eve of when the project was due he became overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin.

Finally when the boy thought all was lost, his dad comes along side him and says, “Bird by bird. That is how we will begin. Going bird by bird.”

Where do I begin?

                        Right where you are.

How do I begin?

                        By walking to where you’ve always been.

Where have I always been?

                        In the presence of God…
                                                            In whom we live and have our being. (see Acts 17).

You don’t understand. What I face is too big to overcome. I don’t know how.

We have a choice.
                        To stop.
                        To start.

Begin at the beginning. And as you do, in that first small step toward courage, remember this:  
3 But you, O Holy One, are a shield around me,   my glory, and the one who lifts up my head. 4 I cry aloud to the holy one,   and God answers me from Her holy hill.

Now is the time to begin.

Now is the time to begin.






Perhaps, again.

Where do I begin?

Right where you are. You are not alone. God goes before you. God goes behind you. God goes with you.


Begin by knowing that God is near.

With this moment. With this breath.

That is where we will begin…

Advent is here to remind us of beginnings.

God has already arrived. Christ has already come. The Holy Spirit is here.
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God.

We are in the beginning, now.

Come out of the shadows, friends. Love has come near.

Begin there…

Today's blog post was inspired by a scene from the movie The Legend of Bagger Vance. You can watch the scene by following this link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mk2Tca88Xo

I am also including the scene here on the blog:

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