Thursday, August 29, 2019

Through Stained Glass: Resilient Request

As I have mentioned before, creativity has been on my mind a lot this summer. In working with the students at The Center for Creativity & Community, I rekindled a bit of my own. I have returned to a couple of projects that I had previously put to the side because 'were these projects really worth my time?'

The answer: yes. Always yes, when it comes to expressing your creativity.


Well, creativity makes you feel good about yourself.

Being creative can lower stress and reduce anxiety.

In fact, psychologists found that when people are creative, they have an upward spiral of wellbeing and creativity. Further, the psychologist found that this increased wellbeing leads to more creative activity in the days to come! [For more about this, read this article.]

Basically, when you are creative--whether it be writing, crafting, painting, gardening, CREATING--you are likelier to be happy!

Think about this theologically. God responded to God's love by creating! And now, as God's beloved, we get to create with God the reign of Love here on earth.

At the core of who we are...we are creatives. I find this comforting and inspiring. Knowing that when we bring together our gifts/abilities/talents/energies, we can create a great mosaic complete with beautiful music and delicious snacks.

With all that said...

I am a part of a project next month that is focusing on Gaining Resilience In Teens--G.R.I.T.

Basically, it is a program for 7th-grade students to learn about the importance of self-care and drawing healthy boundaries.

Your pastor was fortunate enough to have been invited to speak at this said event. My topic will be this:

The Creative Quest: Becoming Who You Want to Be By Being Who You Are: “You can do anything you want.” These are words often said by adults long set in their ways doing what they (hopefully) love to do. But what happens when what we want to do is no longer an option? Or, if you’re like many people, what happens if you don’t yet know what you want to do? Our culture tells us we should be productive by becoming “something”...what if we consider what might happen if we choose to become “someone”? Our time together will reveal the one truth about all people: we are creative beings capable of inspiring beauty into the world. The key to happiness is never forgetting that the creative quest is an ever-evolving process that requires two things: *only and always* for you to be true to you! Speaker: Adam Quine

I am looking forward to this opportunity to talk to students about a few of the things I love!

I need your help, though. The event, which is on Friday, September 13, 2019, at The Christian Church in Lincoln, needs some volunteers. We need folks to be 'hall monitors,' 'hosts for the teachers while their students learn,' and 'other exciting but easy gigs.' You can see our needs and sign up where you can by following this link:

Or by clicking here.

Remember, friends. We are all creatives. There is no such thing as a non-creative person.

So, I want to know. What are you creating these days?

I hope you will share it with me.

See you at the kirk house!

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