Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Through Stained Glass: whoever has an ear (guest post)

Today's midweek reflection is by First Presbyterian Church member, mother, writer, poet, and whimsical warrior, Kelli Owens. She shared this poem last week at our Revelation Bible study. Her words were inspired by the text and the conversations we have had around the table. You can check out more of Kelli's writing at her blog by clicking here. 

whoever has an ear
last night it was the long, lonely howl of a coyote. a sound which ricocheted off the moon then traced edges of corn silk before landing on these ears made of earth.
wind turbines continued on their cyclical path in the growing darkness. i didn’t even need to see it. their perpetual motion thrummed against an indigo backdrop and reflected back the heartbeat within my ribcage.
and i can’t escape it this season, it seems. how we see with more than our eyes, hear with more than our ears. how subtle silence underlies even the noise. isn’t this the revelation of the fleeing prophet at the mouth of the cave? perhaps there is a way of entering life ear-first.
there are seals opened and those still bound fast. prose falls deaf before the latter. mystery embedded inside every hidden wholeness speaks the truest word. it’s subtle like rhythmic windmills and chattering corn stalks. we know in part and we prophesy in part.
yet what shall we do with these words:
there was silence in heaven.

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