Matthew 20.29-34
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
29 As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. 30There
were two blind men sitting by the roadside. When they heard that Jesus was
passing by, they shouted, ‘Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!’ 31The crowd sternly ordered them
to be quiet; but they shouted even more loudly, ‘Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of
David!’ 32Jesus stood still and called
them, saying, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ 33They said to him, ‘Lord, let our eyes be opened.’ 34Moved with compassion, Jesus
touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him.
This past week, 14 of us traveled to
Madison, Wisconsin for the purpose of engaging in community service. This
particular passage was read one morning before we embarked on our service
(either sorting canned goods for a food bank, or creating art at a
pottery and glass studio to give residents at a local nursing home).
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The capitol building in Madison. |
We sat together, back to back, focused on
our collective breath, feeling our ribs rise and fall as we inhaled, then
exhaled. Our eyes closed as the story of Jesus healing two people was read
aloud, as we listened for words and phrases that jumped out at us. This is what
stuck out:
“passing by…”
“Moved with compassion…”
“stood still…”
“followed him…”
Take a minute to read it again…
This story that involves a lots of
‘doing’ on the part of Jesus. Notice all these verbs:
Left—Jesus had to leave Jericho in order for this miracle to happen.
Stop—despite being on the move, Jesus took
time to stop and notice those who were being pushed to the side by the crowds
Ask—despite the crowd’s attempt to silence
these two, Jesus engaged them with questions, and wanted to know their
Loved—in a very human moment, Jesus responds
with compassion, and the one who came to serve and not to serve, further
exemplifies how to care for the least of these
Touched—as if listening to these outcasts wasn’t
radical enough, Jesus moves towards them and touches them, giving them what
they asked
One student on the trip commented that
Jesus seems to move a lot; that, despite the adamancy of the crowd, Jesus was
able to hear the cries of the blind men and focused entirely on them. [He/she]
observed that one of the most notable characteristics of this story is how much
Jesus actually touched people.
Jesus touched people, meeting them where
they were. That is the good news, isn’t it? Throughout his ministry, Jesus
wanted people to be themselves, and responded to the cries, needs, and
realities of those around him in kind. Ultimately, the gospel of Christ is
concern for the whole person. When confronted with the needs of others,
Jesus didn’t check their prerequisites, or mandate “good behavior” before their
needs could be met. Instead, Jesus fed and healed people, meeting them where
they were, even when the crowd said “don’t”. Jesus teaches us this: that good
news to a hungry person is not only bread, and to the blind person is not only
sight, but being seen themselves as valuable human beings.
It is one thing to intellectually teach
the foundation of our faith; it is quite another to allow ourselves (and in
this case, our children) to live out this faith and express it through gifts
and acts of service. What 14 of us did in Madison was mimic the actions of
Christ in the context of this passage: bringing the good news of God’s beloved
community by engaging people in a way that showed the hope and beauty that
exists in a world. In this way, we can all, together, here and now, enjoy that
renewal of creation, which is God’s ultimate purpose.
And so, like the blind men who followed
Jesus after being healed, those who served and those who were served became
peers, jointly sharing in the ongoing transformation of God’s reign in the
And that was truly a sight to see.
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