Thursday, June 27, 2019

Through Stained Glass: Creative Creatures

(I shared these words the other day via a different blog post. I continue to sit with this reflection, especially as I prepare for another afternoon creating with junior high students. Yesterday we asked them what makes their heart sing--or what brings out their inner creative genius. You wouldn't be surprised that music and play are often what inspire the children to create. Each time we spend with these students, I find myself wondering about what I am creating...and I don't mean work-related. I must admit, my outlines for our summer Bible study on Revelation have been pretty impressive, my creativity isn't limited to the church. I hope the words below cause you to pause and consider what creative dream you're giving life to these days!)

Growing up, I didn’t think I was a creative person. Looking back, of course, I see this isn’t true. I had a big and wild imagination. I loved creating games, writing short stories and making them into books, and building Wiffle ball fields wherever I could on my parents’ 8+ acres of land.

Yet, all I ever was told, explicitly or implicitly, was that I was an athlete. Being in the band was lame. Artists were strange. Woodshop kids were the ones you stayed away from when school was out.

Goodness—how embarrassing and hurtful those stereotypes were (and are).

What I realize now is this—I was too afraid to venture out beyond the narrative I chose, which also happened to be the one handed to me. Fear prevented me from scratching that itch to create something off the baseball field. I was too afraid of being judged by my peers and not being as good as those creators I secretly envied. It is no wonder why I identify with the purple fear guy in the movie 'Inside Out'!

It’s taken me 20+ years, but here I am finally acknowledging that I am a creative person. I think Brene Brown says it best when talking about being creative: 

"There is no such thing as creative and non-creative people, only people who use their creativity and people who don't." 

We are all creative beings--after all, aren't we created in the image of the Creator of the Universe? I agree that:

 God is endlessly imaginative and creative. Those who are intensely curious, open, and creative are probably deeply in touch with the One who continues to generate all the “ten thousand things” that surround us. (Richard Rohr)

I read these words today by @questlove, and the truth that all of us are creative people warmed my spirit. Creativity requires time, energy, and believing (even just a little) that we are creatives.
Creative Quest by Questlove




Imagine if we all started from the place of creative affirmation and not productive judgment? The world would probably be a little more fun and beautiful--a bit more like God hopes it would be!

Friends, I encourage you to create something today. Then, be bold and release it into the world. Don't be afraid--you aren't alone in this creative endeavor. We are all participating with you. That's why it is important that we change our narrative by participating in the larger one rooted in Scripture—that we are co-creators with the Divine and can change the world.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Through Stained Glass: Tecumseh's Take

Writing with no thumbs is challenging. I hope to send dis bloggo to
my editor next time around. Until then, here is one doggos (Tecumseh) take
on the summer thus far with my hooman who is your pastor!
Look at my reading material? 

Henlo, frens.

Guess who dis is? It is Tecumseh—or as dad likes to callz me—the GenralL.

Dis is my fewst time on da computer, pardon the type-Os. Having no fumbs makes dis difficult. Mayb I will have da Queen spell check it for me when I’m done.

I think dis is da part where dad says sumding about peace and jesus and henlo. So, you are lubbed!

NEwayz, dad is off at the kirk house again, so I thought itd be a good time to share sum of my thoughts wit you. Dis idea came from a little pile of notes some critter left at dat place. All of his notes and papers were signed, “Da Church Mouse.” Dat duy was clever, and funny. If I met him now, I’d give him a high-paw! My favorite was how he called da preacher duy ‘Bonz.’ Does ne1 know why he did?

Dad and I had school last night (Monday). Dis is round two for this doggo—my hooman says he wants me to hang out in the study at church and go on visits with him when I get bigger. I says to him, “As long as those other hoomans gib me treats and scratches, I’ll go anywhere!” My hooman is a pretty good servant to me and my sister, Chloe. Doe he is not home as we’d like, the hooman still takes us on walks and gibs us love.

Lately, da hooman been carrying around lots of books about creativity. De other day he was droning on and on about sum guy name Pierre Teilhard de Chardin—all I kno is dat hooman speaks in French and did phiblosody. NEwayz, my hooman says de Chardin has this quote about the earth, which has been his inspiration for “The Center of Creativity and Community.” Dat hooman said, “The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.” Wut my hooman hopes da students at The Center create da most is friendships. Da other night my hooman went on and on about all da art the kiddos are making—paintings, poetry, and pictures wit sumding called a “polaroid”!?! Not sure wut dat is, but sound delicious!

Three days last week my hooman was gone for 13 hours! Thank Dog some frens came over to let me and da Queen out. I can tell he really likes what he is doing. I know he worries about some of the messes left in da room you hoomans call the parlor and CE bilding. All I really caught in dat monologue was something about bar-b-q. Once he started on about da Bible and Revelation, I went back to eating his book.

Well, my paws are cramping from all dis typing. I kno my hooman hadn’t written on this blog in a while and I thought I’d help him out and give you all a bit of a ‘wuts goin on.’

I hope to write again soon. Until den, keep your snouts to da ground and send your fren Tecumseh (dats me) all da treats.
